Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
People and communities make Platform, and our vision is to be inclusive and fair that is reflective of the localities in which we work, creating cohesive communities and a workplace that offers flexibility and support to colleagues.
We are committed to making Equality, Diversity and Inclusion one of our key priorities.

Read our EDI Annual Report here
EDI Annual ReportOur Diversity Champions
Here at Platform we have our Diversity Champions who come together from all parts of the business who are committed to making Equality, Diversity and Inclusion our key priority and inspiring community action.
Here are just a few of our Diversity Champions and what they say...
Lorna Foxhall (Insurance Team)
I decided to become a diversity champion because my son has Autism and ADHD along with a Heart Condition, so I have first-hand experience of what it involves looking after someone who has differences and we have already experienced discrimination because of the sheer mention of his conditions, people can display unconscious bias and presume he has learning difficulties.
I am very conscious of interacting with our customers as you never know if they have differences themselves which is why they may not interpret the way we are explaining certain things or our business language or they may react differently to situations. I tend to try to use plain English or explain what our abbreviation's mean, as even the words such as debit/credit may not be language they use on a regular basis.
It think it is important that Platform communicates in a simple manner, there will be customers that may struggle with understanding our content and become anxious because they don't understand.
Clare Durnin (Executive Director Corporate Resources)
I am proud to be a Diversity Champion at Platform and truly believe in creating and nurturing an environment where customers and colleagues can be themselves and champion their individuality. A strong, successful and high performing organisation is one which encourages diversity of opinion and thought and we can only do that through engaging with a wide range of individuals. Being a diversity champion means that I contribute my ideas to how we improve our engagement with customers and colleagues and to also ensure that we hear the voices of those who are under-represented in our organisation.

Paul Edwards (Community Engagement Officer)
I’ve been a Diversity Champion for a number of years now & have been involved since our visit to Bosnia in May 2018.
Since then I’ve also been involved with working on diversity events in Worcester, including Remembering Srebrenica & Holocaust Remembrance Day, which are held at Worcester Guildhall every year.
Trishna Tripuraneni (Risk Compliance and Assurance Business Partner)
Diversity in the workplace is about everyone being included and valued for who they are and what they bring to the table; I want to play my part in making Platform accessible and engaging for those who have often felt excluded and sidelined, with a particular focus on racial and transgender inclusion.

Chris Bennett (High Rise Co-ordinator)
Diversity means so much to so many people, in bringing changes as to how people see others or treat each other, sometimes people don't understand how they can hurt someone by what they do or say, or not care by what they do, and it's down to us to change this. I have known many people over my life, but each and everyone of them has feelings, who would love to work, and some company's do not offer them a chance, this is why it's so good to see Platform leading the way. Platform takes me for me and this means everything to me.
Suzanne Facer-Reeves (Customer Service Officer Supported Housing)
I decided to become a Diversity Champion because of personal experience I have had within my family . Some people's viewpoints of race, disability etc can be so negative and hurtful . I want people to view all humans equally and the more we talk about it and challenge this negative behaviour in a positive way, by the means of discussions and leading by example .

Investing Ethnicity Member
We are members of Investing In Ethnicity and we work with the to progress the Ethnicity Agenda within our workforce and beyond.
You can find out more about them at the link.