Vehicle Nuisance

Abandoned Vehicle
1. Do you believe the vehicle to be stolen?
Report this to the Police using non-emergency number (101).
2. Ask your neighbours
Try speaking to your neighbours, they may know whose car it is.
3. Let us know
You can report this by using the form on this page. Note: You will need the registration number and make of the car.
4. Next steps
We will make contact with the DVLA to see if there’s a registered keeper. If there is, we will make contact with them. If there’s not, we will make contact with the local authority to arrange for the vehicle to be removed.
If the vehicle is not on Platform land?
5. Contact your Local Authority
The Local Authority can arrange to get the vehicle removed. You can find out who your Local Authority is here.
Vehicle Repairs
If you are being disturbed by a neighbour carrying out repairs, start by speaking to them, they may not be aware they are disturbing you.
If the problem continues and you believe an offence is occurring, then you can:
1. If it is on a public highway, contact the Local Authority who can investigate and consider action under the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005. You can find out who your Local Authority is here.
2. If it is on land owned by Platform and they are causing a persistent noise nuisance, please visit our area on 'noise nuisance' and the 'noise app' here.
3. If you believe that a Road Traffic Offence has been committed, such as speeding or dangerous driver, you should report the incident and circumstances as soon as possible to your local Police.
Obstructive Parking
Obstructive parking is when a car is parked in a way which obstructs your ability to enter or leave your home or allocated parking space.
Could it be a neighbour?
1. Talk to your neighbour
Try speaking to your neighbours, they may not be aware their actions are causing you a problem.
2. If the problem continues…
If it is on a public verge or highway and the vehicle is found to be parked disregarding local parking regulations contact your Local Authority who may be able to assist by issuing a Penalty Charge notice. You can find out who your Local Authority is here.
Is the car parked in a manner where it needs to be removed immediately?
3. Is the car on Platform land?
Contact us, we will investigate and try our best to sort it.
4. Is the car not on Platform Land?
Contact the Police on 101 who will arrange to remove the vehicle if necessary.