Indecent Offences

This is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment and is a criminal offence.
Do you suspect prostitution is taking place in your area?
1. Report it to the Police using the non-emergency number (101)
Remember to note down the incident number and the Police Officer’s name, you’ll need this later.
2. Let us know
You can report the incident using this form. Now we have the incident number and the Police Officer’s name, we can make contact with the police and work with them regarding the incident.
3. Keep a record
Keep a record of dates, times, the incident and the impact on you/your family. This is so we can monitor the situation, working closely with the police to take the necessary action.
4. Next Steps
We’ll maintain contact with you throughout the investigation process.
Sexual Offences
This is a criminal offence and you need to report this to the Police immediately (101). You must also let them know if you’re concerned about your safety.
1. Report it to the Police
Remember to note down the incident number and the Police Officer’s name.
2. Let us know
You can report this by using this form. Once we have the incident number and Police Officers name, we can make contact with the police and work with them regarding the incident.
3. Next Steps
We’ll provide you with an update as soon as we can.
4. Need support?
We want to help. We can help you find advice and support agencies in your area.
If you've been the victim of a crime, your free local support team can provide help and advice to help you recover and cope, please visit: for more information.