Meet Droitwich Community Rep, Kevin

“Being a community Rep is all about bringing your community together and making it a better place to live.” 

Kevin has lived in Malvern for over 30 years and become a Community Rep in 2023.

Below Kevin shares his experience of being a Community Rep.

Kevin community rep 2024

Kevin’s story

“I love to engage with people in my neighbourhood and at 66 years of age, I am always looking for ways to do more in the Community and help others.”

Kevin has lived in Malvern for over 30 years and is well known in his local neighbourhood. He became a Community Rep in November 2023, covering Bluebell Close, along with offering support at Malvern Football Club Help Centre. 

“Although I have only recently become a Platform Community Rep, I have been supporting people for a number of years.,” explains Kevin.

“As a keen walker and avid Malvern Hills football fan, I have a lot of opportunities to get out and about in my local community. For the past 5 years, I have never missed a football match; home or away and find these games are ideal occasions where I can talk to people in my local area and promote how great Malvern is!”

Kevin is also a local Walk Leader and regularly offers his support at the popular Malvern Football Club Help Centre, which is run by Platform. It provides free support to help people search for work online, set up emails and write CVs, along with one to one help to use a computer.

“I love to engage with people in my neighbourhood and at 66 years of age, I am always looking for ways to do more in the Community and help others.” added Kevin.

“All the community know me and speak to me in the street, as I have been supporting my neighbours for a number of years. I have also recently passed my Resuscitation Training which will hopefully enable me to help anyone experiencing problems.” 

When asked if he would encourage other customers to become Community Reps, Kevin was really positive. 

“As I live on my own, I really enjoy meeting people, and being a Community Rep is a great way for me to meet and talk with others in my neighbourhood and at Malvern Hills Football Club Help Centre. 

“There are so many opportunities to learn new things and promote the area I live in, so I would encourage others to give it a go as it’s great knowing that you can speak to Platform to raise concerns on behalf of others.”

Platform’s Community Engagement Officer, Nicholas Richardson, added: 

“I’ve known Kevin since starting my career at Platform.  He has always been proactive in supporting others in the local community, along with helping those who may find it difficult to engage in the outdoors. 

“Kevin has a very open and honest approach that is welcoming and engaging, along with quite a few interesting stories to tell!” 

Interested in becoming a Community Rep for your local area?