Cleaning and Caretaking
For the majority of our buildings, keeping the communal areas well maintained, clean and tidy is the responsibility of Platform's Property Care Estates team.
This includes the cleaning and caretaking of communal areas, which is delivered directly by our colleagues and external contractors.

Our communal spaces cleaning service
For those customers who pay a service charge for communal cleaning, our team has set out a clear service standard for the cleaning tasks they regularly carry out and when, so that you know what to expect. Below you will find out details about what areas will be cleaned, along with the tasks that will be completed, during weekly, fortnightly or monthly cleaning visits.
Annually we may also undertake deep cleaning to:
- Hard and soft flooring areas, including carpets.
- High level areas, including light fittings.
Communal spaces are areas outside of your home, which you share with others and can include:
- Staircases, corridors and landings.
- Kitchens, laundries and drying rooms.
- Porch areas and electrical cupboards.
Our cleaners clean the following areas:
- Staircases, corridors and landings.
- Lounges and meeting rooms.
- Kitchens.
- Laundries and drying rooms.
- Building entrances, porches and post boxes.
- Electrical cupboards.
- Toilets.
- Lifts
- External balconies.
- Internal mobility scooter, buggy and bike stores
- Hard and soft flooring.
- Skirting boards, bannisters, handrails, woodwork, metalwork, ledges and windowsills
- Walls including radiators and wall heaters.
- Doors and frames (including entry doors).
- Switches and pads including external door entry panels.
- Internal communal windows.
- Communal appliance frontages, powder drawers and filters on all machines.
- Communal area tables and chairs, including legs, TVs, cupboard tops and all other surfaces.
- Communal kitchen work surfaces, cupboard/drawer fronts and handles, stove tops and oven doors, appliance frontages, sinks and splash backs.
- Communal toilets pan, seat and cistern, wash hand basin. Hand towels, toilets rolls and soap replenished as required.
Window cleaning of all external communal windows will take place on an agreed frequency, either bi-monthly, quarterly or 6 monthly.
If you wish your personal windows to be cleaned, you will need to make a separate private arrangements.
Our Caretaking Service
If you pay for caretaking services you will also receive the following services along with quick, easy and non-complex repairs to communal areas.
Bin stores and bin chute rooms
- All floors will be disinfected and free from litter and debris.
- Switches and pads wiped clean from marks and smears.
- High level removal of cobwebs and dirt.
- Graffiti removed.
Want to help us improve your communal areas?
Our Estate Inspectors are a team of volunteer customers who act as our eyes and ears on the ground and let us know about any issues so that we can work together to put them right.
You can find out more about our Estate Inspector role and how to register using the link below.