Platform's Trainee Board - The Next Chapter

12 June 2023
2 mins

Platform Housing Group’s first trainee board programme has come to a triumphant close with its first four members successfully completing the initial 2 year programme.

Kaeden, Remi, Edd and Neelam have spent the last two years learning about what it takes to be a board member, having their voices heard, being able to challenge and learn from experienced board members, whilst honing their own skills. They’ve brought with them the diversity and youthful exuberance that Platform were looking for and have brought their own perspectives and voices to board meetings.

Elizabeth Froude, CEO at Platform Housing Group, who was a great advocate for the programme said:

“I’m a great believer that actions speak louder than words and was so pleased that almost 3 years ago, our Board supported us in bringing this initiative to life. We recruited for diversity and it’s wonderful to see how everyone has grown and flourished.”

She continued “Its also very pleasing that as they all finish the programme they will all be staying with us on our Board Committees as members, to continue the journey.”

Clare Durnin, Executive Director of Corporate Resources at Platform Housing group, reflecting on the impact of the programme added: 

“We’ve been able to share this experience with many of our colleagues across the housing sector and it is amazing to see so many other Housing Associations now recruiting their own Trainee Board Members.  We know that diversity on boards is a challenge, not only in our sector but more generally, and if our programme has been a small catalyst to start a longer-term change in terms of wider representation on Boards, then that is a great achievement.”

Platform can now announce that due to the success of its first programme, 3 of the trainee board members will be continuing their journey with the housing provider as associate committee members

Platform are currently in the recruitment phase for the second cohort of Trainee Board members and within the coming months will be introducing them to the sector.

(image shows current board members who were mentors, Platform CEO Elizabeth Froude, and Trainee Board members - left to right - Tony King, Remi Turton, Neelam Heera-Shergill, John Weguelin, Elizabeth Froude, David Clark, Edd Hall, Kaeden Bunting, Helen Southwell)